Sunday, September 11, 2011

$300 Goal Giveaway!

When I reach $300 in sales, I will personally give away a $25 Scentsy buddy for FREE! There is absolutely NO SHIPPING COSTS either. I think this is one way to help me as a Scentsy seller since I just started. I will continue to have giveaways as a Scentsy seller and we'll see how far I get.

I will continue to update my sales so that everyone can see what I have.

9/11/2011- $9.50
9/17/2011- $17.50
Please follow my blog. It's very helpful for me to have winners as followers. Thank you!

Facebook is no way shape/ form or any kind of connection with this giveaway. This means you cannot hold them responsible PERIOD! I am the only one responsible for this giveaway. You cannot take Facebook to court or anything. Please agree to this or I cannot accept you into the giveaway.

